
Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Wow, it's dusty on here. *cough sputter hack* Welcome to the Grand Re-Opening. Yeah I know there are no balloons, face painting, or even coupons. I'm cheap. What can I say?

Welcome back.

Today is the first day of Spring Break and to kick off the vacation 4ft requested a pajama day. To which I responded with an exuberant resounding hells to the yeah.

4ft watching Wolverine and the X-Men on his 3DS and The Grumpybutt watching Yo Gabba Gabba on "the big TV".

I also took advantage of a relaxing day and made my own version of a 100 Grand candy bar. I got the idea from The Restless Chipotle and then tweaked it to make it my own. Tomorrow I'll be posting pictures along with the recipe.

Well I have to bounce and start dinner for my ultra-picky family. Tonight's meal is: Spaghetti and Meatballs. 4ft won't eat meat sauce anymore since he horked up an overindulgence of spaghetti a couple of years ago and the Grumpybutt won't eat spaghetti without meat. So 4ft gives his meatballs to the Grumpybutt and everyone's happy... Well except for the Husband who likes the old way better. Can you tell where he rates on the totem pole?

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