Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Power of Poop!

This could be a post about the not talked about power of being regular -- absolutely a weight losers friend...

But it's not.

It's about how Mr. Grumpybutt's stinky diaper saved the day! How did his excrement save the day, you ask? I'll tell you.

I mentioned that I'd gone grocery shopping the night I lost my ring, right? Well all the Safeway bags get stored in a small cupboard to wrap stinky diapers in so I don't have a smelly garbage cupboard and I don't have to walk to the dumpster every time the Grumpybutt poops. So, I changed his diaper, pulled out a Safeway bag, and PING!

Something hit the floor at my feet. I screamed, dropped the bag and the diaper (it was closed up securely there was NOT a poopy mess everywhere, in case you thought so), and fell to my hands and knees. There under the oven was my RING!!! It must've gotten pulled off when I shoved the Safeway bags into the cupboard. I didn't even THINK to look there.

POOP totally saved the day. I have MY RING back! I couldn't be more excited. I put it on for all of one second -- to savor the feel and the knowing that I had it back -- then put it up to be resized. I have definitely learned my lesson. I still feel naked without it. I still try to fidget it with it like it's there and every time I don't feel it I have a split second of panic before I remember it's NOT lost -- IT'S PUT UP! *does a spasmodic happy dance*


Angie said...

YAY!!!! So glad you found it, Dorkgirl. *does a happydance with the Dork*


June Kramin said...

Squee!!! I told you it would turn up!!! Yea!!!

Melanie Hooyenga said...

YAYAYAY for poop!

BeckyNeighbor said...

So SO happy for you. I lost my wedding ring in the river a few years ago and was so upset. It is a such a horrible feeling and I'm SO glad it worked out for you!

Amy Mullis said...

Yay! Some things are good to have a ring around. Glad you found it!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! Congrats on the discovery!! So glad you have your ring back!!