Saturday, October 9, 2010

Double Win! Woo-freaking-Hoo!

I made an awesome sauce last night to glaze chicken in. It turned out so good and I wasn't the only one who thought so. My husband got his plate and put a large dollop of barbecue sauce on next to his chicken for dipping. Then he didn't eat the barbecue sauce. Well, okay, he did but not on the chicken. When I gave him crap about being wasteful he ate it by the forkful all by itself AFTER the rest of his food was gone. Gross but it was a huge compliment.

The sauce was a hodge podge of (approximate values -- I just started throwing things together) 1/2 cup ketchup, 1/4 cup honey, 2 TBS apple cider vinegar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, TSP Dijon mustard, garlic salt, and pepper. I then broiled the chicken and glazed it with the sauce until it just charred a bit on the edges. It was absolutely delicious and worth the broiler pan being a pain in the butt to clean -- took me forever to scrub it all off.

I'm also super excited to report: I FIT INTO A PAIR OF MY "SKINNY JEANS"! For grins and giggles I tried them on. The last time I tried to put them on I could barely get them over my hips and there was no way on bob's green earth that they were going to zip up. I'm wearing them today. I didn't have to shimmy. I didn't have to lay on the bed to get the zipper up. I didn't even have to suck in my tummy. THEY FIT!!! I think the hundreds of crunches I've been doing have totally rocked it to get me into these pants. I couldn't be happier.

Tomorrow is weigh and measure day. I'm expecting good news.

--Previous Day Tracking --

Exercise - 30 minute walk, 200 crunches, and 50 push ups.

Healthy Lifestyle - Day 123

Only Water - Day 118

Total Pounds Lost - 43.9

Breakfast - bowl of FiberOne Honey Clusters w/ homemade Almond Milk
Morning Snack - FiberOne Granola Bar
Lunch - Fish Sandwich, carrot sticks, and a sweet pickle
Mid-Afternoon Snack -1/2 peanut butter and banana sandwich and a cinnamon sugar cookie
Dinner - Glazed chicken, mashed potatoes (w/ almond milk), and corn


Turkey Girl said...

YAY for skinny jeans!! *Shakes pom poms*

Lisa Dovichi said...

I screamed I was so excited. 3ft came running in all concerned and I'm laughing and dancing around the room. I'm sure he thought I was crazy as he just shook his head and went back to his cartoons.